- HOLY FATHER : Yahweh.God of Universe.Creator.Father of All Things.God of Abraham/Issac/Israel.God of Gods.Lord of Lords...
- HOLY SON : Yeshua Ha Mashiach.Jesus Christ.Word of God.King of Kings.Lord of Lords.Lion of Judah.Root of David.Offspring of David.Truth and Faithful.King of Israel.Bright Morning Star.Wonder.Counselor.Mighty God.Everlasting Father.Prince of Peace. Holds Keys of Death/Hades...(FATHER AND SON ARE ONE)
- HOLY SPIRIT : Proof of Salvation.Spirit of God.Spirit of Truth.Seal of God.Proof of Reborn.Proof of Heavenly Inheritance.Rapture Ready...
- HOLY BIBLE : God's Breathed.Bible Prophecy.Absolute Truth.Rapture Ready Manual...
- HEAVENS: First: Earth's Atmosphere. Second: Universe. Third: God's Dwelling Place.
- NEW JERUSALEM : 12 Israeli Patriarch Names.12 Church Apostle Names.New Heaven New Earth.
- JERUSALEM : City of God.Throne of God.Peace.Joy.Zion.Center of World.Millennium Capital.
- MILLENNIUM : Earthly Kingdom. Lamb Wedding Supper.Promised Land.New Eden.Israel/Church.
- LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE: All Christian Names.Israel/Church.Yeshua Millennium/New Jerusalem Eternity.
- LAMB'S WEDDING SUPPER: Heavenly Celebration Yeshua/Bride.All Christians.Israel/Church.Millennium Kingdom on Earth.
- REVELATION HEAVEN SONGS: Song of The Lamb.Song of Moses.New Song. Israel/Church.
- ISRAEL : Original Olive Branch.Abraham Offspring via Yeshua.God's Chosen.Abraham and David's Eternal Covenants.Birth of Messiah and Salvation Plan.Daniel 70x7.Promised Land.
- CHURCH : Wild Olive Branch.Abraham Offspring via Yeshua.Mostly Gentile Christians.
- CHRIST BRIDE: Israel and Church Christians.
- 24 ELDERS: 12 Apostles and 12 Israeli Patriarchs.Rapture Hints
- 2 WITNESSES : Elijah and Moses/Enoch.Laws and Prophets.Prophetic Transfiguration
- CHURCH RAPTURE: All Dead/Live Firstfruits Christians.Israel/Church.Meet Yeshua Mid Air.Mystery Day.Mat 24 Signs
- YESHUA 2ND COMING: End 7 Yr.Armageddon.Raptured Church Returns.666 Gov Destroyed.Millennium Begins.
- GENTILES : Non-Jewish.Unbelievers.Wicked.Mockers.Murderers.
- SATAN : Prince of this Age.Father of All Lies.Devil.Red Dragon.Ancient Serpent.Former Cherubim Lucifer.Deceiver for the Whole World.
- ANTICHRIST : 666 World Political Savior.USA Commercial Babylon.NWO Gov.
- FALSE PROPHET : 666 World Christian Leader.Vatican Religious Babylon Whore.One World Religion New Age.
- 7-YEAR TRIBULATION: 7 SealsTrumpetsBowls.Jacob's Trouble.Great Day of the Lord.Judgment Day.Before Millennium.
- DEMONS / GHOSTS : Fallen Angels.
- NEPHILIM: Giants. Hybrid. Offspring of Fallen Angels. (Nimrod.Goliath.Illuminati)
- ABBADDON / APOLLYON : Destroyer.Head of Fallen Angels.
- BABYLON : City of Satan.Babel to Modern Holy Roman Empire(/Euro/USA/Vatican).666 NWO Gov.Secret Societies.
- LAKE OF FIRE : Final Judgment.Satan/Antichrist/False Prophet/Fallen Angels/Nephilim/All Unbelievers.